Friendship v. Romance

Let’s talk about friendship v. romance in dystopian fiction. Which do you prefer?

The Battle Ground Series is deliberately friendship based, centred around a lives-on-the-line-for-each-other male/female friendship. These are teenagers, fighting for their country and their lives – and they’re not taking time out to look for romance. They’re busy surviving, dodging soldiers and bullets, trying to be brave, and keeping each other safe.

Did we mention Book One is FREE today? Grab your Kindle edition now!

Cover Reveal!

The Battle Ground Series Books 1-3 Bargain Box Set has had a makeover! We’re testing the new covers with new Amazon Ads and hoping to tempt some new readers who enjoy YA Dystopian stories.

We love our original covers, but we asked a marketing specialist to take a look at our books, and they suggested using covers that are a better fit for the YA Dystopia genre.

Book covers on Amazon are extremely genre-specific. YA Fantasy? You’ll need a young woman dressed in black, facing the reader, with a suggestion of magic going on around her. YA Romance? You’ll probably want cutesy handwriting for the title, and plenty of pink. YA Dystopia? A young person facing away from the reader, possibly armed, probably looking at the ruins of their civilisation.

Rather than change all our covers, we’ve decided to test the new designs on the Books 1-3 Box Set. So here it is! The new-look Kindle box set, featuring ruined buildings, a character walking away from the reader, and some almost-correct Home Forces body armour.

We’d love to know what you think!

Thank you!

A final huge THANK YOU to everyone who read, reviewed, bought, promoted, and supported Finding Fire and Other Stories at the launch last weekend.

We’ve had some amazing reviews, and the book hit number 77 in the Young Adult Survival Stories category on!

Finding Fire and Other Stories is the final book in the Battle Ground Series. Find information about the series, and the FREE no-spoiler prequel, at

Don’t forget – if you’ve missed out on the rest of the series, you can download the FREE no-spoiler prequel, and pick up the bargain Books 1-3 Kindle box set – 3 books for the price of 2!