Welcome to Leiston!

Rachel Churcher will be in Leiston today, signing books at the Leiston Town Easter Arts and Crafts Fayre.

Stop by the Taller Books table for copies of Rachel’s UK-based Battle Ground dystopian series, Angels, her YA LGBTQ+ contemporary-with-a-twist , and the anthology of Doctor Who/Iris Wildthyme stories featuring her short story, ‘The Last Martian’. We’ll also have bookish goodies and in-person deals on books and crafts.

FREE entry, FREE parking, refreshments and a prize draw – there’s plenty going on at the Fayre. If you’re in the area, come and say hi!

10am-3pm TODAY – see you there!

Rachel Churcher on the Taller Books stand at WAMFest 2023

Sci-Fi Weekender!

Don’t miss Rachel Churcher, signing books TODAY at the Sci-Fi Weekender in Great Yarmouth!

Stop by the Taller Books table for copies of Rachel’s UK-based Battle Ground dystopian series, Angels, her YA LGBTQ+ contemporary-with-a-twist , and the anthology of Doctor Who/Iris Wildthyme stories featuring her short story, ‘The Last Martian’. We’ll also have bookish goodies and in-person deals on books and crafts.

If you’re heading to the Sci-Fi Weekender, make sure you come and say hi, meet some fantastic Sci-Fi and Fantasy authors, and pick up your new favourite read. We’ll be there today, but you’ll be able to meet authors and browse books between events on both Friday and Saturday.

See you there!

Sci-Fi Weekender
Rachel Churcher on the Taller Books stand at NorCon 2023