Paperback Pre-orders!

VERY exciting news: you can now pre-order a paperback copy of Angels ahead of launch day tomorrow!

Reserve your Amazon paperback today! You’ll get the book in your hands asap (maybe tomorrow?), and any pre-orders will MASSIVELY boost the book’s visibility for launch day.

A huge THANK YOU in advance, and happy reading!

(It’s our first time scheduling a paperback launch in advance, so we had no idea this would happen! We’re genuinely excited!)

pre-order a paperback

‘Angels’ is arriving tomorrow!

Whether you’ve pre-ordered your eBook, or you’re waiting to grab a paperback, Angels – the new UKYA from Battle Ground Series author Rachel Churcher – launches tomorrow!

If you’ve pre-ordered, a massive THANK YOU! If you’ve ordered a Kindle edition, it should be delivered direct to your Kindle or Kindle App tomorrow.

If you’re waiting for a paperback, physical copies will be available from Amazon and your favourite bookshop tomorrow!

We’re very excited to share this book with you.

Still undecided? Here are a couple of ARC reviews to tempt you!

Angels launches tomorrow!
Angels launches tomorrow

Angels on TikTok!

A huge thank you to Zoe, for showcasing Angels on TikTok! Kindle pre-orders are live now, and the Kindle and paperback editions will be launched on November 24th.


How would you react if you learned angels were living hidden among humans? Want to learn more about this book? Look up author @rachelchurcherwriting #readersoftiktok #yabooks #comingofagebooks #lgbtqbooks #lgbtq #angels #angelsamongus #booktok #newrelease

♬ Harp’s calm and sad music(87118) – paZap

Kindle pre-order

The Kindle pre-order link for Angels is live! Kindle pre-orders are only £1.99, and the price goes up to £2.99 on launch day. For your discounted copy, sent automatically to your Kindle on November 24th, head to the pre-order page today.

kindle pre-order

A reminder of the blurb:
The LGBTQ+ YA story you’ve been waiting for: friendship, identity, attraction, disasters … and finding your wings.

Angels have lived among us for as long as we can remember. They don’t have powers, but they do have wings. They’ve always hidden their wings, and who they are – until Kane.

Melodie Abbott remembers the day she saw Kane’s taboo-shattering billboard. A beautiful model showing his wings on Oxford Street, on a photo as tall as a building.

When sixteen-year-old Mel finally meets her idol, disaster strikes. Can she find a way to free herself from his shadow, and what will her future hold?

Angels is a coming-of-age story, a university heartbreak novel with a twist, a celebration of friendship and desire, and an exploration of attraction, identity and self-expression.

It takes courage to find your wings …

Happy reading!