Desert Island Books

This week at Taller Books, we’re wondering about Desert Island Books. If you were marooned on a desert island, which three YA books would you take with you?

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This is such a difficult question! It would be hard to choose ten books to pack in a desert island bag – but three?

My choices

If I had to pick my three books right now, I think I’d go for A Sky Painted Gold by Laura Wood, The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee, and This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada. That way I’d have a quirky YA romance, a historical LGBT adventure, and a futuristic YA dystopia to choose from – along with some fantastic strong characters to keep me company on my island.

But then again … maybe I should grab The Hunger Games trilogy instead. Or the Divergent trilogy. Who better to inspire me to survive on the island than Katniss or Tris?

Or maybe I should go old-school, and take the first three of Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea books, and escape into a world of magic and dragons with Archmage Ged.

It’s impossible. I can’t choose.

Your turn!

What about you? What would you take? Use the comments to tell us which books you couldn’t live without!

We’d love to hear your recommendations, but please remember to keep them YA appropriate. Please be patient – comments are moderated, and may take some time to appear.