#AtHomeYALC Participant Information

Information for participants in the #AtHomeYALC Virtual Book Fair.

Please read the information on this page, and drop an email to admin@tallerbooks.com with any questions. Thank you!

Your Timeslot
Please check the schedule on the email or schedule page, and let me know asap if there are any problems with your timeslot. Please let me know as soon as possible if you need to withdraw from the event, as there may be another author on the reserve list who can use your spot.

Please promote the event as much as you can. It is essential that you use the hashtag #AtHomeYALC on Twitter and Instagram. If you can also use #YALC and #YALC2020, that would be fantastic. You’ll find graphics for use on Twitter, Instagram, Blogs, Mailing lists, etc on the Promo page. Please download these and use them everywhere!

Twitter Live
You’ll need a Twitter account, a Periscope account, and a smartphone with a camera in order to make your live broadcast. Information on using Periscope can be found at https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/getting-started-periscope. Information on using Twitter Live can be found at https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-live . Let me know asap if you have any problems setting up Twitter Live. Please make a test broadcast before July 25th to check that the technology works! Using headphones with a built-in microphone is recommended.

You are welcome to run a giveaway as part of your broadcast! You need to make sure you follow the Twitter rules for giveaways (https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/twitter-contest-rules). State up front whether your giveaway is open worldwide, or restricted to the country you’re in. Check postage rates for whatever it is you’re offering! Be absolutely clear about what you need people to do if they want to enter (following you on Twitter, retweeting your pinned tweet, sending you a DM) – make sure it is both clear, and something you can reliably check or measure! Do not encourage people to create multiple accounts. You *MUST* give a disclaimer, stating that the giveaway is run by you, and *not* affliated with Twitter, YALC, or Taller Books. Include this in your broadcast, and in any Tweets you use to promote your giveaway. This is absolutely essential – I don’t want legal issues for Taller Books if a giveaway goes wrong. I’m a Sole Trader, and personally liable, so please be kind and publish a disclaimer.

Please use all your contacts, social media platforms, blogs, and mailing lists to promote this event! The more we can promote it to our followers, the more people will find us on the day. Ask other authors, agents, publishers, etc to promote the event, and give them advance warning asap! Thank you.

Please get back to me with questions, issues, etc, and I will do my best to sort them out. On the day, I will be watching your broadcasts, and sending questions for your Q&A sessions. Apart from during my own slot, I should be available to help with technical problems, so don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m @Rachel_Churcher on Twitter, and I’ll be checking admin@tallerbooks.com – keep in touch!

Schedule | Authors | Books | Giveaways | FREE book!

#AtHomeYALC is an official hashtag to be used by authors over the YALC weekend. The Virtual Book Fair is not an official YALC event, but is organised in partnership with the #AtHomeYALC hashtag and promoted by Taller Books and YALC.